The people of En Masse are inspired by those who paved the way for motorcycle culture, dating back to the turn of the twentieth century and World War 2. Veterans clung onto the thrilling adrenaline rush provided by motorcycles and came together to feel a sense of belonging and comradery.
Comradery is at the heart of our core values, and we salute the men who fought for our country and created a community that has lasted for decades. We pay tribute to our veterans and to that brotherhood by integrating traditional designs into our products that carry on the legacy of the men who came before us.
As a state that boasts snow-capped mountains, scorching deserts, and rugged coastlines, California is a geographical wonder and the land itself has inspired En Masse’s devotion to the great outdoors. From the staggering forests that inspired John Muir, to the eternal summer climate that inspired the Beach Boys, the physical land itself is something that we strive to both enjoy and protect. Our brand is here to deliver on that promise with durable gear and support for wilderness projects.
America’s frontier of gold, California has long stood as a beacon of opportunity and adventure. From miners to cowboys, enterprising individuals have always looked west, and the spirit of Americana has long struck at its shiniest ore here in the Golden State. It’s this soul of adventure that infuses En Masse with its daring and bold lifestyle of today.
If the journey ahead isn’t in the least bit frightening, is it truly a journey? All journeys begin with a leap of faith. Whether it's fighting against the first gust of wind that raises the hair from your skin or kicking up the dust of unseen terrain, that leap of faith takes many forms. And that leap of faith is the first of many that carry you and your ilk to staggering heights and immeasurable distances.
After the first leap, the adventure is purely fueled by adrenaline and anticipation. When those two feelings begin to run on empty, we become our own obstacles on our roads to greatness.
When rain clouds advance upon your path, when your limbs ache, when your eyes can only trace a boundless horizon, why leave the safety of the ground you’ve already tread? Why push further? Alone, we can only go so far, but in a brotherhood that constantly tests each other’s mettle, we can go anywhere. Within momentary terrors, there’s an excitement and a conquest, and these struggles only bring us closer together.
Every leap of faith is made bearable by every bead of sweat, every echo of laughter, and every comfortable silence shared among friends.
Let that leap of faith in your brothers push you to where the sun melts into a distant horizon, lead you through canyons where light cascades over mountain ridges and shadows fill the valleys, and carry you to where the roar of the wind never ceases. When you achieve that sweet taste of your destination, be it a spiraling waterfall at the end of a trail or just another digit on your odometer, share in that victory as a team.
What makes journeys frightening isn’t consisted of jagged river passes nor desolate desert plains. What makes a journey frightening is turning your back on the comfort of the status quo. And what makes them so rewarding is returning home a greater version of yourself when nothing is the same, armed with the sharpened knowledge you gained with trusted allies by your side. When you turn around and look at the journeys that you’ve already left behind, you see that you’ve made it together, and you’ll do it again and again, together.
We pursue destinations. But destinations are not always a place. Sometimes, that destination is catching your first wave after taking a beating from the breaks, cracking open a cold beer by the fire after a long hike, or sharing stories at the end of a joyride. These shining moments of finding a connection to the earth beneath you and the people beside you, make the toil of the journey worth it. But conversely, what makes these destinations even sweeter is that they’re earned rather than given — every frustrating moment of duck-diving out to a line-up, of that acidic burn in your legs when climbing an incline, of dragging yourself out of your comfort zone, adds a drop of euphoria to what lies at the end. The destination makes the journey worth it, and the journey makes the destination sweeter. They are two indispensable halves of a greater whole.